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Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics
The Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics (MFPS) conference series focuses on the semantics of high-level programming languages and its logical and mathematical foundations. The MFPS series attracts logicians, mathematicians and theoretical computer scientists who meet to exchange ideas and discuss problems of mutual interest.
MFPS meetings typically feature several plenary talks by leading researchers, as well as special sessions. Each special session focuses on a particular topic, with a plenary lecture, followed by several shorter talks by other experts in the area. The overall goal is to enhance interactions with neighboring areas, by inviting colleagues from those areas to present talks about their research and how it interacts with the traditional focus areas of MFPS. The remainder of the program is devoted to contributed talks selected by the Program Committee from submissions received in response to the Call for Papers.
The 2025 meeting will take place Glasgow, Scotland in June. More details – including the Call for Papers – can be found here.